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Writer's pictureKyle Bain

Killing the eunuch KHAN (2021)


There is a serial killer, and he has a plan in place to murder as many people as possible. He plans to flood the streets with blood by using his victims to kill other victims. In Killing the eunuch KHAN it appears that the killer’s wishes are coming to fruition. Will those around him continue to fall, or will someone or something be able to step in to stop the madness?

I’ll be honest, I’m not entirely sure that I follow the story behind Killing the eunuch Khan–especially in the first act. There seems to be a crack in the foundation of the story, making the film convoluted and turbulent–likely leaving many viewers behind. It’s clear that death plays a massive role in the overall film, but I’m not sure that the “why” is ever effectively revealed–and without some sort of motive the plot just doesn’t come together as hoped. Any form of motivation seems completely hidden from viewers until at least the second act, more than an hour into the film! This lull, and viewers’ inability to truly understand what’s occurring is a detriment to the overall film.

I can’t help but to feel that the story is less important than the message it’s attempting to convey, however. Killing the eunuch KHAN feels like it’s attempting to educate its audience. Having the victims kill other victims seems incredibly representative of the hierarchy of the real world. As chaos ultimately ensues, Killing the eunuch KHAN seems to be telling us to work together rather than tear one another down.

In the past year we have seen films like Eternals and Dune. These films have been regarded by everyone (audiences and critics alike) as visual masterpieces that appeal greatly to the eye and captivate anyone watching. Killing the eunuch Khan compares to those aforementioned films. From the opening seconds it’s clear that director Abed Abest knows how to reach his viewers aesthetically and that cinematographer Hamid Khozouie Abyane is more than capable of capturing the intended visuals and bringing this vision to life. As I sat there, watching Killing the eunuch KHAN play out, absorbing each piece of visual excellence, I realized that even if every other aspect of the film fails, the visuals are enough to keep the film afloat. I can’t express strongly enough that what this team is able to create in terms of aesthetic is some of the best work I’ve ever seen. Vibrant colors, point-of-view (POV) shots, and truly beautiful sets pull everything together and viewers into the film. I was often dizzied by the camerawork (and I mean this in the absolute best way), and it made me feel like I was somehow literally following the characters on their journey–an incredible decision made by this crew. The casual film fan will be able to appreciate the beauty of what is created, and the cinephile will be able to understand the intricacies of each and every scene–meaning that audiences of all walks of life (and all levels of film knowledge) will find something to appreciate, and Killing the eunuch KHAN will be guaranteed success.

Paired flawlessly with the incredible visuals is the audio. Constantly moving, refusing to relent, the music present throughout Killing the eunuch KHAN is enticing, begging viewers to become part of the story. The individuals working on the audio and the visuals of this film are immensely talented, putting everything they have on the table and refusing to settle for anything less than perfection.

Killing the eunuch KHAN contradicts itself in the sense that some aspects of the film are done with perfection, while others seem to slip through the cracks and fail to reach viewers in the intended fashion. Visually, I don’t think that there is a way to improve what is accomplished here, and Abyane is a true visual genius. Christophe Rezai, the man behind the music, is incredibly talented as well. Together they create an audio/visual experience for the ages, one that is captivating and relevant–appealing to everyone. With the previously mentioned issues involved in the plot development of Killing the eunuch KHAN, the film is dragged down to a degree. However, with the aforementioned stellar contributions by Rezai and Abyane, Killing the eunuch KHAN is sure to appeal to viewers regardless of its shortcomings.

Written & Directed by Abed Abest.

Starring Ebrahim Azizi, Vahid Rad, Misagh Zare, Iman Basim, Sara Mohammadi, & Mah-Sima Kabari.



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