Like any and all other Tim Burton films, this film is both dark and filled with bright, vivacious colors. We get a dark backstory for Willy Wonka and Charlie Bucket, while most of what happens in the present is vibrant, and, in many cases, over the top in regards to color and very apparent animation. I get that this is a children’s film, however, I felt that the overuse of color and CGI took away from the overall story. As many know, Johnny Depp is not my favorite actor, but I struggle to think of anyone that could have pulled off playing Willy Wonka (other than Gene Wilder—Wilder is Willy Wonka) aside from Depp. Depp is just cooky enough to bring the incredible Wonka back to life after almost thirty-five years. Filling the shoes of Gene Wilder was a tall order, an order that Depp just wasn’t capable of fully living up to. Depp’s Wonka was goofy and witty; there were points, however, that the character was so full of ineptitude that it hindered the character’s overall ability to impress me. My favorite character in the film was David Morris’ Grandpa George. He didn’t have many lines, but each of the lines he did have was hilarious. The music, obviously, didn’t compare to the music in “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” (1971). The songs in this film weren’t as fun and seemed to lack a certain something that may make someone want to get up and dance. While I don’t think that this was meant to compete with Wilder’s “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,” I think it certainly fell short of any expectations anyone may have had if they had presumed it would be as anywhere near as good as the “original.” I do enjoy this film and I feel that as long as one doesn’t expect it to live up to the 1971 version, they won’t be disappointed.
